

Located to the north of Montpellier, this little village was the home of wine makers for centuries.
Now, Clapiers has developed considerably. One of the jewels of this village is its forest. It covers 170 hectares. A paradise for all walkers, hikers and bikers. The Tomato Festival in September is an opportunity to discover and taste 250 varieties of this colourful fruit.


Hikers Paradise

It covers 170 hectares and is composed of Alep pines (63%), pine nut pines (7%), cyprus trees (5%), cedar trees, green and kermes oak trees .

A paradise for walkers, hikers and mountain bikers alike.

Although today the forest is dedicated to leisure, it used to be a working forest.
From the end of the 19th century until the 50’s, resin was produced from the Alep pines. This is a place to treasure and protect.

Another outing suggestion is the « painters walk »  named after two artists who lived in Clapiers namely Max Leenhardt (1853-1941) born in Montpellier and cousin to Frédéric Bazille and Georges Dezeuze (1905-2004) who went to the Montpellier Art School ‘les Beaux-Arts ‘.

Twelve pannels reproduce the paintings of these artists in different places throughout the village. A walk to share.


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