©Christophe RUIZ 3M


To the north of Montpellier, the village of Montferrier-sur-Lez is perched on a 100 metre high hill which is nothing other than an ancient volcano. The volcanic activity here as in Grabels is amongst the most ancient of the Hérault region dating back between 30 and 25 million years.

In the village, ancient iron-grey colour basaltic stone buildings can be seen, but also unusual streets such as ‘la rue du Four’ with its pastoral charm.

At the top, the 180° view is impressive. From the terrasses of the ancient castle, one can admire the Pic Saint Loup, The Hortus and even the Cévennes mountains to the North. To the South, it is the blue of the Mediterranean sea that dominates.

Let’s talk about the Montferrier castle.

Initially it was built in the 12th century, but then destroyed during the wars of religion then rebuilt and lived in by Antoine du Vidal, First Consul of Montpellier.

His son Jean Antoine, Marquis of Montferrier, noticing the drawing talent of one of his many cooks, François-Xavier Fabre, gave him the means to train as a painter.

As an artist, he became a pupil of David. Upon his death he left his collection of paintings to the museum which today carries his name: The Fabre Museum of Montpellier Mediterranean Metropolis.

The castle’s terraces are open to the public on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 5pm, so don’t hesitate to come and stroll around!

In the centre of the village, the Saint-Etienne church which is recognizable by its high crenelated  tower, regularly hosts chamber music concerts.

The village is also the home of the International Campus of Montferrier-Baillarguet, which settled here some twenty years ago. The Campus houses numerous research centres amongst which the CIRAD, the INRA and the CNRS, specialized in agriculture and biology research.

Heritage tour

Discovering our secret sites… Explanatory markers for the various sites are located throughout the village, to discover the historical sites of Montferrier-sur-Lez:

  • Poterne du château
  • Rue des Escanas
  • Terraces of the castle and Court of Honour of the castle
  • Place de la Canourgue
  • Albert Masri
  • Saint Etienne Church and the chevet of the church on a basalt base
  • Place du bassin
  • Porch, northern entrance to the medieval enclosure
  • Plan of the Mission cross
  • Stone cross of the Belvedere
  • The Clos des Pyra Mides and the Tuesday Cross
  • The Aqueduct of Montferrier-sur-Lez
  • The Church of Gleizasse
  • The chapel and castle of Baillarguet" />" data-ratio="16_9">
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