Cocooning and Winter sun greed and relaxation

Cocooning and Winter sun

In Montpellier, Winters are generally mild and sunny – enough to make the most of cocooning deals – follow the guide!

Enjoy a break with a hot beverage

We may be among the mildest and sunniest cities in France, we know Winter too. But here there’s no question of hibernating, Montpellier is full of cozy and cocooning tea rooms where you can wait for summer.

We come for an hour or for the day, alone or with friends, to read or have a brunch and we face winter with homemade pastries and pies.

The must ? Sit at a terrace, watch your hot chocolate smoke and enjoy this very special winter light. Not even cold.

Among the good addresses: du Thé et des Laines, the Demoiselles de Montpellier, the Maison des chats ….

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