Coeurdeville2023ot3m6 Min 1Coeurdeville2023ot3m6 Min 1
©Coeurdeville2023ot3m6 Min 1|OT3M

Enlighted City (Coeur de ville en lumières) A unique "sound and light" show ! Next edition in November 14th to 16th 2024

Enlightened City What is it ?

The most beautiful facades of the historical heritage of the Ecusson are highlighted by plays of light and music, in particular the Aqueduc des Arceaux, the Arc de Triomphe, the Préfecture, the Hôtel St Côme, the Opéra Comédie, the Hôtel d’Aurès, the Église St Roch, the Poste Rondelet, the Cathédrale St Pierre, the Cour de l’Agora and the théâtre de l’Agora (with an area dedicated to games) and finally Notre-Dame-des Tables.

3 days of shows, sounds and lights, another way of discovering heritage, a big free party open to all. Discover spectacular scenographies imagined by professionals and students from Montpellier schools, on exceptional sites.

The event in video

Next edition in November 16th to 18th – On the topics: Water and Europe-Africa relations



The event is free and open to all !


Download the schedule directly here – More information soon.

How to go there

Where does it take place ? Historical city center
