
Tangosud The international festival dedicated to Tango dance Next edition from May 07th to 12th

The TangoSud What is it ?

1,2,3,4 … Tangosud makes you dance for Spring

Tangosud is an international festival dedicated to Argentine Tango dance and its different variations

On the schedule each year:

Dance workshops by renowned international artists, Milonga and tango balls, shows and concerts among other festivities…but also sometimes film screenings on dance

It takes place partly in Montpellier but also in Fabrègues in the Metropolis.

Focus on the next edition

Next edition from May 07th to 12th

In the meantime, discover the festival with a video !



Ticketing is available yet


Download the schedule directly here.

How to go there ?

Where does it take place ? Espace Culturel José Janson 34690 Fabrègues but also Opéra Comédie, Place de la Comédie…

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