Wine tourism More than a hike: a wine hike

More than a hike: a wine hike

An Oenorando® wine hike is a footpath approved by the Hiking Federation, designed with vine growers, that starts and ends in front of a winery or wine shop.

Experience traditional expertise and terroirs as you hike.

When you hear Languedoc, do you think red wine or hiking? There’s no wrong answer, they’re both right.

Wine-loving hikers get the best of both worlds around the villages of Saint-Georges d’Orques, Juvignac, Lavérune and Pignan. The Sentier du Dragon wine hike trail puts fire in your belly and was co-designed by the Héraut Hiking Federation and AOC Languedoc-Saint-Georges-d’Orques.

The walk through the garrigue among vines and old stones is incredible, but it’s also a great way to meet vine growers who share your passion for nature and terroir. The best way to walk is still their way.

Top tip: get off on the right foot with a trip to the Saint-Georges d’Orques wine cooperative at the start of the path.

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