Hike in the countryside
Why not stay in an unusual accommodation at the Cabanes de l’Arbousier in Castries in the Montpellier Metropole?
An ideal base camp for your first walk around Montpellier along the aqueduct.
On foot or by bike, this easy route is ideal to start your discovery.
Too easy for you? Why not try the Pic Saint Loup, one of France’s favourite walks?
From the top, the view is splendid over the whole of the hinterland!

Let's go for a ride !
If you are a bike freak, Montpellier is an ideal destination.
Whether on the coast or between vineyards and countryside.
Why not take the Green path from the Jacques Coeur basin to the beaches?
Along the edge of a pond, between the trees, this short route is very pleasant for discovering the local fauna and flora.
It will take you past points of interest such as the Marché du lez, Port Ariane in Lattes and the Maison de la Nature!