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A subtle blend of different worlds, the Clélya Abraham Quartet plunges us into the crossroads of Caribbean and Reunion Island music, classical and modern jazz. Far from being set in stone, this quartet gives free rein to each member?s imagination and improvisations, to surprise the audience at every moment and offer them an experience of shared enrichment.
Clélya Abraham is the 2023 winner of the UNAC (Union Nationale des Auteur.rice.s Compositeur.rice.s) Grands Prix!
from 9pm (doors open...
Clélya Abraham is the 2023 winner of the UNAC (Union Nationale des Auteur.rice.s Compositeur.rice.s) Grands Prix!
from 9pm (doors open...
Full rate
From 12€ to 16€
Opening times
On 29 March 2025
- Montpellier Près d'Arènes
- Tramway / streetcar line : L.2 arrêt St Cléophas
- Tramway / streetcar line : L.4 arrêt St Martin