
I learn about graffiti in Montpellier  on a guided street art tour

Do you like surprises? Well then, join me on a trip delving into the most amazing street art Montpellier has to offer.

Whether it’s graffiti, stencil or trompe-l’œil, these urban street art masterpieces elevate the city and spice up our walk. Let’s go!

Getting there

Meet in Rondelet Huge murals

Today I’m taking you to Rue Rondelet, in front of Saint Denis Church: I’ve signed up to the Street Art guided tour available from Tourist Information.

We follow the guide. I suddenly feel tiny as I’m blown away by the colours of the first incredible mural.

There’s no way you can miss it but I never take time out to look around so I’ve never seen it!

Mist is the artist behind this explosion of colour, drips, splashes and letters to brighten up the neighbourhood. It’s a sight for sore eyes!

Another equally fascinating wall stands near this building and plays host to a figurative fresco by Zest. Good work… Hats off to the artists! There’s no way I’m not taking a few shots to capture the moment.

A wonderful walk soaking up the sights

There’s a good vibe within the group and the guide takes her time to answer our questions. Now we’re coming to the old town and I don’t know where to look first: painted markers on Place St Roch, more trompe-l’œil, collages, bikes in walls…

A smiling moon on a bin store here, a mosaic space invader there, stencils with hearts over yonder…

These pretty pieces are a great way to see the city that bursts with non-stop vibrant, modern and exciting creativity… This tour has put a smile back on my face and I’d like to do it again with my kids, spending time unearthing these little gems… Most of the pieces are temporary so be quick or you’ll miss them.

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