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©Exterieur Vue Globale|Tropisme

The Halle Tropisme an atypical cultural place

A place to work but also a place of great cultural diversity with a great artistic programme!

A creative space

Halle Tropisme is a cultural third place, a 10,000m2 village inhabited by more than 200 entrepreneurs from the Cultural and Creative Industries and more than 60 artists.

Tropisme offers an artistic and cultural programme for everyone, mixing music and culinary experimentation, contemporary art and clubbing, debates and afterworks…

Did you know ?

The Halle Tropisme hosts numerous festivals throughout the year, such as the Tropisme Festival, the documentary festival Les Grands yeux, a festival dedicated to the gypsy culture Gipsy Bohême, the grand finale of the Beer Love Fest...

The programme is deliberately eclectic and open to all.

To eat, go to the Café Tropisme, a place of exchange and conviviality in the Tropisme hall, with its delicious tapas, grilled meats, natural wines and craft beers… or to the Tropizz truck outside.

The Halle Tropisme

Discover the Halle Tropisme during the last Tropisme Festival!

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